Dániel Csapó

Electrical engineer, MSc.

Electric machinery designer
/Hyundai Technologies Center Hungary Kft./

Studies: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, University of Ulsan (South Korea), Lappeenranta University of Technology (Finland), Dobó Katalin High School

City: Budapest

Date of Birth: 1990

Professional interests: e-mobility

Hobbies: guitar, dance, running, hiking

“What you cannot say in 30 minutes is better to keep secret”


Throughout my whole life my interests were wide and I was doing many things. Choosing an engineering carrier was a rational decision for me as in high school I found the other subject at least as interesting as physics but they did not offer a realistic perspective for my future. I am sure that I have made the right decision, the current technological age we live in and shape is incredibly interesting from an engineering point of view. I tried to get the most out of my university years so besides the mandatory classes I sought interesting and exciting challenges. The experiences, friendships I have gained from those are still a big part of my life.

My advice for all young engineers at the start of the carrier is to be interested in many things, and from the experiences you gather try to find the things that really motivate you, but most importantly stay curious to the world around us.